You can access this website with any handheld device to submit documents and information to your servicer or a HUD certified non-profit Housing Counselor.
The NHSQ Housing Portal is the consumer portal where you can safely and securely upload documents and data to your Housing Counselor from the comfort of your own home computer or cell phone.
Get Started Sign InYou can access this website with any handheld device to submit documents and information to your servicer or a HUD certified non-profit Housing Counselor.
We have streamlined the process to make it as easy as possible for you to submit your information.
This website deploys the highest level of cyber security to protect your information.
This website will ONLY connect you to a HUD certified non-profit Housing Counselor who will not charge any fees for providing counselling services and assistance to avoid foreclosure.
For more information, please email us at support-premium@indisoft.us
No part of this site may be reproduced, transmitted, or disclosed in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, for any purpose without the express written consent of IndiSoft LLC.